Photography Series

Photography Series

Artist Statement

Nothing is ever easy when a relationship ends but hopefully moving forward, we can learn from the best and worse parts to improve ourselves. I am guessing our path in life is to find who truly brings out the best in us, who can and will stay with us, through everything. To find your rock is not the hardest part, it is keeping it when things get tough. That is the beauty of having history together. Will he stay?

This is You Are Not You

We are all susceptible to indescribable pain and suffering. With life, there are immense highs and lows. You are not you is a series of works that tracks a woman at her prettiest and not so prettiest moments. While there are countless obstacles and challenges in life, there are times where we may question whether our beloved will stay. Deciding on your partner is difficult. Choosing to stay with your partner can be stressful. Can the shared history be enough to sustain you both for decades to come or is it now time to let it all go. These are the decisions we ask ourselves and we will only know if we were right when our time nears.

It is never easy seeing yourself when we re-visit different phases of our life. Sometimes we lose a part of ourself; and yet sometimes re-discovering a new you takes extraordinary courage and strength.